Its wash design reduces the use of water in washes by using nano – bubbles that offer better results in chemical application.

A recognition of energy efficiency and sustainable design. The reduction of water use, in this case by 70%, the maintenance of green areas where cars and machinery do not circulate, production areas with the comfort and cooling due to our workers and energy saving strategies are the keys to obtaining.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was created at the beginning of the last decade, in 2010, with the aim of accelerating the transition of different industries around the world towards the circular economy. It works with governments, companies and academia to build a regenerative, sustainable and restorative economy through the design of its products.

This certification makes the company environmental performance, transparency and accounting. Each decision to be taken must take into account the environmental impact generated by each element that makes both the development and the distribution of the product.

Understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization in achieving its intended results.This International Standard promotes the adoption of a process approach in developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. It enables the organization to control the interrelationships and interdependencies between system processes so that the overall performance of the organization can be improved.